Welcome to the Influential Coaches Community with Magdalena Hanah!

My name is Magdalena Hanah, and I'm passionate about helping business coaches/consultants achieve clarity of direction, bringing out unique super-skills and speeding up business success WITHOUT compromising on your precious time!

In two short years, I've helped my clients surpass $4.9 million in revenue, and we've done it with full consideration of their personal needs (health, relationships).

It's time for YOU to be seen, appreciated and listened to, and to start attracting your soul-mate clients on demand - without the hustle!

Welcome to the

Influential Coaches

Community with

Magdalena Hanah!

My name is Magdalena Hanah, and I'm passionate about helping business coaches/consultants achieve clarity of direction, bringing out unique super-skills and speeding up business success WITHOUT compromising on your precious time!

Last year, I've helped my clients surpass $4.2 million in revenue, and we've done it with full consideration of their personal needs (health, relationships).

Magdalena Hanah award CREA

Get your free copy of Authority Builder Cheat Sheet

Get your free copy of Authority Builder Cheat Sheet

Become the go-to person in your industry, and start attracting clients regularly every week on automated.

No chasing involved.

Become the go-to person in your industry, and start attracting clients regularly every week on automated.

No chasing involved.

Influential Coaches Community is a project created by Magdalena Hanah as a response to her mental health struggles as a multipreneur.

The pressures of a highly competitive, and fast changing coaching/consulting industry, and the need of constantly showing up has led to a journey of exploration and finding different, simpler ways of attracting new clients, but also keeping them in your pipeline for longer as superfans, and advocates of your message.

The way we grow our business as an Influential Coach boils down to paying attention to three main steps:

Strategic Visibility

Power Positioning

Effortless Sales

If you are Visible to the right people and you Position yourself in their eyes as an industry expert - someone who's the right person to solve their biggest challenges, and you Sell it to them in a way that feels natural and feels like a win, you are on the right path of growing your own community of people, who if served right, might become your die-hard fans as well as ambassadors of your unique method.

It's not a "cookie-cutter" strategy, it's a fully personalised system that you can plug into your business and see results immediately.

Learn more about the 3 steps to insane growth in your business by watching the "Followers To Movement Formula" training

If you're a growing coach/consultant who already has an idea for their business, and you're serving some clients but would love to get predictable leads (and clients) every week - Magdalena's most powerful program "No Niche Authority" (previously reserved to her highest paying clients) is now available to the wider public!

Build a highly profitable, predictable business that your clients will love to rave about!

If you're a growing coach/consultant who already has an idea for their business, and you're serving some clients but would love to get predictable leads (and clients) every week - Magdalena's most powerful program "No Niche Authority" (previously reserved to her highest paying clients) is now available to the wider public!

Build a highly profitable, predictable business that your clients will love to rave about!

If you're already a successful 6,7 figure coach, and you're looking for help in becoming more efficient in your day to day business, and you wouldn't mind cutting your work in half, spending more with your family and doing the things you love to do - Ultimate Productivity Masterclass is an excellent Program/Mastermind for the busy high-achievers.

It is the ultimate step to business mastery.

Become An Influential Coach Today

Grow your client base, increase your income and stop working yourself to the bone. There's more to life than business, but you can build a wildly successful business to allow you more of life!

Here's what people had to say about Magdalena

Magdalena walked me through the whole process of how to create a mouthwatering offer, how to connect with my target audience and loads of useful tips and tricks to set up my business the right way. Despite her being very busy, she never left me hanging and all of my questions were always answered. I'm so glad I decided to jump in with her coaching, because it's been a life changing experience for me. I now have a business that works for me every day, and skills I can put into any other idea I might have.

Gavin Neth, CEO Pawsytraits/Copywriter

When I first met Magdalena, I was a virtual assistant who was struggling to find her place in the business world. I was working by the hour, making only a few bucks, and having a schedule of over 60 hours a week. I worked full time, even on weekends. My mindset, productivity and business were in shambles, and I didn't know if I could pull through. I had little to no self-worth, and didn't even know if I was qualified enough to call myself a VA.

Now, I am an aligned marketing strategist with a business of my own, soon to have two. I genuinely do not believe I would be where I am today without Magdalena's help--she has challenged my beliefs about myself and my business in a way that no one else ever had, and she was there to quite literally show me my worth. Magdalena's coaching is amazing not just because she has incredible knowledge about the productivity, business and marketing world, but also because she has a vibrant, energizing personality that shows you how much she believes in you. It has helped me carve my own path and provided me with the right building blocks so I could have a strong foundation.

Jade Francesca, Owner at Strategize with Creativity

Get The Authority Builder Cheat Sheet Today

This 10 minute read walks you through 5 must-have authority building rules, that can transform your patchy, inconsistent business into a lead-generating machine as soon as this week!

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